Yesterday, life in the studio was cracking on as merrily as ever. Today, panic has set in and we are all sitting looking at the longest to-do list any of us has ever seen. What happened? What else – The National Wedding Show of course.
I’m not sure who’s idea it was, although I think we all talked each other into this (helped in no small amount by the lovely Kelly at The National Wedding Show team) but I have a feeling life is just about to get very, very busy.
It will be brilliant. We have no doubt. The National Wedding Show is the perfect place for us to showcase our services and, as this is the first time that Alter Ego Portraits has done anything like this – we figured we ought to do it properly!
So, where to start? The contract has gone back, and we know the stand number (K2, just in case you are wondering) which we have chosen because it is in the corner of the exhibition space near to the toilets. Unlike in a restaurant - this is a positive thing. Apparently, there is reliable research which demonstrates visitors at the show go to the toilet 2.4 times during their visit, so everyone is very likely to see us at least 2.4 times after they have powdered their noses! You have to admit, it makes sense.
The first step this morning was to consider the space we have. We have marked out the equivalent size space on the floor in our studio using masking tape. Then, we all stood in it and wondered how we would fit everything in. Then we sat down, had a coffee and some biscuits (think this could be a regular feature of the next few weeks) and looked at the masking tape for a bit longer. It didn’t make it any bigger. However, the coffee and the biscuits did the trick and we now have a plan in our minds for the furniture we need on the stand.
Practical stuff first. We have albums and pictures that we need to display, so we need something for them to be perched on. However, this display needs to draw visitors onto the stand, not block their access. We need storage space for leaflets and vouchers, and we need to make sure the stand feels open and welcoming. Do we build it ourselves (this could be a very interesting set-up day), or do we find existing pieces we can personalise? I feel a trip to some well know furniture shops coming on....
Erica from Alter Ego Portraits: http://www.alteregoportraits.com/ , www.facebook.com/alteregoportraits or call 01604 871187.
Cannot wait to see you at the show on stand K2, I think it's a great idea and cannot wait to hear more!