When I first started looking for my dress, I was pretty open to suggestions. I had taken some inspiration from other weddings that I had been to as well as being a regular at the local wedding fair circuit. I hadn’t intended to get my dress so far in advance, I was just keen to start the shopping; after all, a girl only gets to try these on once, right?!
The only ideas I had in my mind, was that I wanted an A-line shape (to cover what I consider to be a larger than average backside) and something in more of an ivory tone, rather than a plain white since I had a feeling this colour would wash me out. I was also quite clear that I wanted something simple and not too ‘bling’.
Sure enough, my first shopping trip entailed trying on several in this style, all equally beautiful dresses. I was starting to realise how hard it must be to find ‘the one’! It seemed that every dress I tried on, I fell in love with – and it is definitely true what they say, you do feel like a princess! And, let’s just say (without revealing too many details), you surprise yourself once you start trying on different dresses!
What surprised me most was how comfortable the majority of them seemed to be – sure, there was that awkward ‘breathe-in’ moment when you first get into the dress, but after a few minutes, it’s amazing how you can adapt to them! I was also shocked by the sheer variety of dresses and was easily coaxed into trying on lots of different styles of varying meringue sizes. On my first shopping trip, I fell in love with a beautiful Alfred Angelo dress and was 99% convinced that this would be the one, but could it be that easy to find it on my first trip? We had been to see 14 venues, how on earth could dress shopping be so easy? And, more importantly, I WANTED to do more dress shopping!
Unconvinced that shopping for your wedding dress could be that easy, I booked a few more appointments with some other local suppliers; each a different experience. I am glad that I did....!
I had seen my dress on display at a wedding fair and had instantly loved it and was fixated on trying it on – sure enough, my Mum, my mother-in-law to be and I ventured to Rena Zhang Couture in Farnham on a cold December morning last year to seek out said dress. The whole experience was amazing – as soon as we arrived, the staff made us feel so welcome. We sat on a beautiful chaise-longue and talked through the style of the wedding whilst sipping champagne in a warm and relaxed shop. I had a very good feeling at this point...and luckily I wasn’t disappointed! As soon as I tried it on, I knew it was the one – it sounds clichéd but I did get goose-bumps and, as if I needed any more proof, the tears of my maternal support group soon proved that this was indeed the one for me.
I won’t reveal too many details about the style, just in case my eagle-eyed fiancé is reading this, but sufficed to say that it puts a big smile on my face when I wear it and I hope it has the same effect on him too. Now I just can’t wait to wear it for the big day
It's funny how you think you know what kind of dress you want then when you actually try them on, you go for something completely different. I have gone for the opposite of what I thought I would want :)