My first idea for favours were plantable seed paper that our guests could take home and plant and when it bloomed would be a nice reminder of the day. Whilst I still really love this idea, would our guests like it' and would they plant them or would they end up going dusty on a shelf? My second idea came off the back of the first although it's totally different. With us being on a budget, do I want to spend money on items that may be left on the tables, or perhaps taken home and just forgotten about? It seems a waste. I dont think it's uncommon now for weddings not to provide favours, so thats one option but I would like to have something guests can take away from the day and it doesn't matter what they do with it.
This was what got me thinking about charity favours. Wanting to keep it personal, my first stop was the Cancer Research website. My Dad and Grandpa both died of Cancer and I'll really miss them on my Wedding Day. Cancer Research offer personalised favour cards and a Cancer Research UK pin badge for your guests. I also contacted the RSPCA as Adam and myself love animals (we have 2 dogs, one of which is 6 months old and deaf, 2 cats, 2 leopard geckos and a bearded dragon) and asked if they offer a similar service as I couldn't see anything on their website. They do, and have the cutest pin badges. Nothing has been decided for certain yet but if we do go down the charity route then at least I know the money won't have been wasted.
A great idea!